VACE Board

Elected VACE members serve on the Board of Directors.

Need to get in contact with a board member? Email [email protected]

Minutes from board meetings are available to members once they login, under Member Resources.

2024-25 Board Members


Board Position Descriptions:

If you are interested in serving on the VACE Board and have questions about any of the board positions, please email [email protected].


The President shall serve a one (1) year term and preside at all meetings of the membership; shall chair meetings of the Board; shall arrange for annual financial review; shall recommend to the Board for approval successors to fill unexpired terms of Board members; shall present an annual proposed budget to the Board for approval.

Immediate Past President

The Immediate Past President shall serve a one (1) year term in which he/she will Chair the Nominations Committee; Co-chair the Strategic Planning Committee; and serve as liaison to Site Selection.


The President-Elect shall serve a one (1) year term and perform all duties of the President at his/her request and shall fill the unexpired term of the office of President should it become vacant. The President-Elect serves as Co-Chair of Strategic Planning Committee.

Director of Finance

The Director of Finance shall serve a two (2) year term and shall maintain a record of all corporation financial business including revenue, expenses, other monies, as well as annual tax requirements and shall present the approved annual budget to the membership.

Director of Finance-Elect

The Director of Finance-Elect shall serve a one (1) year term and perform all duties of the Director of Finance at his/her request and shall fill the unexpired term of the office of Director of Finance should it become vacant.

Director of Operations

The Director of Operations shall serve a two (2) year term and handle all official correspondence; keep official minutes of meetings of the Board; and annually review the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws and present revisions for approval to the Board.

Director of Marketing & Membership

The Director of Marketing and Membership shall serve a two (2) year term and shall serve as liaison to the Marketing and Membership Committee.

Director of Professional Development

The Director of Professional Development will serve a two (2) year term and serve as the liaison to the Professional Development Committee and its subcommittees.

Director of Technology & Communications

The Director of Technology & Communications shall serve a two (2) year term and will serve as liaison to the Technology & Communications Committee. Also serves as Web Content Manager or liaison to the Web Content Manager.

College Director & Employer Director

There shall be two (2) elected Directors who shall serve for a staggered two (2) year term. The College Director and the Employer Director shall serve as representatives of their respective constituents. Both also serve as conference co-chairs.